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Live Glassblowing at the Armada Fair August 16-21, 2022

We're excited! Come on out to the Armada Fair and see LIVE GLASSBLOWING demonstrations from Tuesday, August 16th through Sunday, August 21st! We will be near barn #16.

The Armada Fair is celebrating 150 years! There are several different featured artists' work including blacksmithing, yarn spinning & weaving, and other demonstrations and we are excited to be a part of the fair experience! Come watch us create our glass pieces and talk about glass! Did you know that the glass we use doesn't melt until 3,000°F? That's hot! So come say hi! We're looking forward to seeing you at the fair!

Be sure to see if you can spot some Armada Glass Company glass entered in the fair in the exhibit barn!

Are you going to the fair? What is your favorite part of it? Tell us below!

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